vintage fashion guide

Last Updated on August 24, 2023 by Used House Of Vintage

There is no feeling that can replace the feeling of happiness you get when you are the lady wearing the most stunning dress or piece of adornment in the whole room. And if you want to feel this way, you should definitely try some vintage fashion to give yourself one-of-a-kind styling. Assuming you’re a cautious customer, you can get a few unique and rare pieces for a steal, and if stored properly, you might even have the option to sell them later on for a profit. Yet, there are still a few things you want to consider before you begin chasing after that ideal vintage piece.

Nowadays, retro and vintage dresses have acquired a fast-expanding fan base among standard buyers or consumers. As the interest for rare ascents, so does the requirement for understanding the numerous subtleties that accompany many years of steadily changing style.


Here are certain vintage styles that you might like to bring back into a trend today.


Flapper dress-

Flapper dress

The 1920s was all about flapper dresses, and the shiny shimmy sequenced beadings on the dress added character to the complete outfit. The flapper dress was all about bringing two things(dancing and styling) together in everyday fashion. Different hairstyles were carried out to get interested with the time, and it also added the essence of beauty to the already standing dress. The overall look that was created was amazing. This trend has also been an inspiration for many different patterns in the contemporary fashion industry. So if you are thinking about Calling a vintage dress trend, you should definitely try on the flapper dress, and it blends in beautifully in today’s fashion. And if you are bringing this trend back, then it is not complete without the Mary Jane heels. It might be a bit difficult to find the exact Mary Jane you are looking for, but if you are lucky enough, you will be able to buy some vintage Mary Jane heels. If you are careful enough to store it properly, then you can also further sell it after use. 


Victory suits-

This word automatically takes you back to the 1950s, when this dress was a high-end fashion destination. It was considered very elegant and classy for girls who were stepping out of their houses for work or studies. Choosing the right colors when you are looking for a great purchase on vintage dresses is very important. These dresses came in all sorts of colors, from light Shades to very bold ones. The occasion and climate used to influence the colors, texture, and material of the victory suites. So even if you are thinking of bringing back this trend today, you need to pick the right colors as you might end up looking very gaudy, which might take away your original charm.


Wide-leg trousers-

wideleg trousers

This is another vintage pattern dress that everyone can relate to. Even when you watch certain period dramas or movies that show a time period of the 40s to 50s, they will show people wearing these pants. Instead of considering it a celebrity where you can say these trousers were more kind of streetwear during that period of time. The genders equally contribute to this streetwear. The men and women both were happily Sporting the wide-leg trousers to almost every place they would go. It was considered acceptable as morning formal and evening refreshments too. The charm of these pants was such that even today, women and men are trying to bring back some Vintage Trends. They are ready to accept the wide-legged trousers in their full Glory as it was during the mentioned period. 


The vintage trends-

The vintage clothing idea was coined during the 60s when people were fixated on trying new fashion trends. When people were looking for something that could make them look astonishing while being unique. It is an irony that they found what they were looking for in old vintage outfits. As the business supporters for style expanded, the development in exchange of old attire was gradual as the amount of these products expanded.

“Always remember to act naturally and embrace it. Classic or vintage style will constantly grab individuals’ eyes. In the event that you don’t feel far better, it can immediately become scary. Classic ought to be fun, energetic, and an imaginative method for putting yourself out there. Embrace the consideration that you’ll get and feel quite a bit better about the skin and garments you’re in.”